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教资面试试讲教案:《Town Twinning》—高中英语

http://ningxia.hteacher.net 2024-04-01 11:25 宁夏教师资格证 [您的教师考试网]

 Class Type: Reading and writing class, 1 period

Teaching Objectives :

Knowledge objectives

(1)Students will be able to understand the main idea and some details of the passage

(2)Students will be able to say something about Town Twinning.

Ability objectives

(1)Students will be able to use reading methods such as skimming, scanning and careful reading during the process of understanding of the passage.

(2)Students can improve the abilities of reading and writing.

Emotional objective

Students can get more interested in English culture.

Teaching Key Points:

Master the main phrases, sentence structures and the usage of some key words.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Understand some knowledge about Town Twinning and retell the passage.

Teaching Aid: multi-media, blackboard.

Teaching Procedures:

Step l Warming up and lead-in (5 minutes)

1. Greeting.

2. Lead in the topic by playing a video about Beijing city and New York are town twinning and ask

students to have a free talk :

(1) What is the relationship between Beijing and New York?

(2) Why can the two cities become town twining?

Step 2 Pre-reading (7 minutes)

1. Common sense on town twining.

2. Ask students to give examples of town twining cities.

3. Play the video about "Oxford and Grenoble are town twining". While enjoying the video, students

think over the following question: "What are the similarities between the two cities? "

Step 3 While-reading (18 minutes)

1. Fast reading

Ask students to read the passage quickly and then conclude the main idea of each paragraph.

Main idea :

Paragraph l — introduction — the similarities between the two cities

Paragraph 2 — definition of town twining

Paragraph 3 — contents of town twining agreements

Paragraph 4 — functions of town twining agreements

2. Careful reading

(1) Ask the students to read the passage carefully and decide whether the statements are true or false

and explain why.

① Both size and population in Oxford and Grenoble are similar.

② Oxford University is famous in the world; However, there is no university in Grenoble.

③ Town twinning is a new idea in modern times.

④ Town twining agreements encourage people to visit and exchange in culture and education.

⑤ Town twining agreements are useful for foreign language learning.

(2) Ask students to work in groups and have a competition to answer the following questions:

① What are the similarities between Oxford and Grenoble?

② Why are the idea of town twinning popular nowadays?

③ What is the definition of town twining agreements?

④ What activities do the agreements take to encourage people from the two towns to visit each other?

⑤ Why are the town twining agreements useful for students and people who want to learn a language?

(3) Listening practice

Play the tape and ask students to read the passage after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciations

of the words and sentences.

Step 4 Post-reading (10 minutes)

Get the students to retell the passage according to the outline and key words on PPT. Ask students to retell

between partners first, then ask two students to retell before class.

Outline of the text :

Paragraph l — introduction — the similarities between the two cities

Paragraph 2 — definition of town twining

Paragraph 3 — contents of town twining agreements

Paragraph 4 — functions of town twining agreements

Key words :

Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France are similar in the following three aspects: ... medium-sized ... university... tourism ... popular ... because... encourage ... There are visits and exchanges ... Visitors ... stay in ... a big party ... useful ... because...

Step 5 Summary and Homework (5 minutes)

Summary : Ask one student to act as an assistant teacher to guide others to summarize what they have

learned in this class. And then give a conclusion about this lesson.

Homework :

(1) Listen to the tape and read the text aloud.

(2) Ask students to search for more information on the Internet and write a short passage about Beijing's town twinning city.

Reflection: The teacher should adjust the teaching speed according to the learning conditions of the students.

Blackboard Design:


Town Twinning


Outline of the text :

Paragraph l — introduction — the similarities between the two cities

Paragraph 2 — definition of town twining

Paragraph 3 — contents of town twining agreements

Paragraph 4 — functions of town twining agreements

Key words :

Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France are similar in the following three aspects: ... medium-sized ... university... tourism ... popular ... because... encourage ... There are visits and exchanges ... Visitors ... stay in ... a big party ... useful ... because...








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