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教资面试试讲模拟:《This is my family》(小学英语)

http://ningxia.hteacher.net 2024-03-14 10:51 宁夏教师资格证 [您的教师考试网]

试讲稿1:This is my family


Look,this is my family. This is my father. He is a postman. This is my mother. She is a typist. This is my uncle. He is a farmer. This is my aunt. She is a nurse. This is my big brother. He is a student. This is me. I am a student,too.






Good afternoon,distinguished judges. I'm No. 1 candidate,applying for primary school English teacher. My topic is This is my family. Now I'm ready. Class begins.

Ⅰ. Warming-up and lead-in

T:Hello,boys and girls. Happy to see you again. Look at the PPT ,let's try to sing the song together.

Daddy finger,Daddy finger. Wher are you?Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger,Mommy finger. Wher are you?Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger,Brother finger. Wher are you?Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger,Sister finger. Wher are you?Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger,Baby finger. Wher are you?Here I am. Here I am. How do you do?

OK,the song is over. Do you know the name of the song?Have you got the picture about your family? Can you show us?

Ⅱ. Presentation

T:Here is a picture about David's family read the passage and answer the following questions.

a. How many members in your family?

b. What does your mother do?

c. What does your father do?

d. What does your uncle do?

e. What does your aunt do?

f. What does David do?

Tom,please. Very good. He says,“My father is a postman. My mother is a typist. My uncle is a farmer and my aunt is a nurse. ”

(Write the sentences on the blackboard.

My father is a postman. My mother is a typist.

He is a farmer. She is a nurse.

David is a student. )

T:Show a picture including different jobs. Pointing at a postman and explaining its meaning is a person whose job is to collect and deliver letters, etc. Typist is a person who works in an office typing letters, etc. Farmer is a person who owns or manages a farm. Nurse is a person whose job is to take care of sick or injured people, usually in a hospital.

T:Can you find when should we use “is,are,am”. Yes,when we meet he,she or some person like “father,mother or David” we use “is”. Like these sentences “She likes apples. He likes apples. I like apples. ”When we meet he,she or some person like “father,mother or David” we use “verb-s”. So,they are what we called third person singular form.

Ⅲ. Practice

T:You need to retell the passage with your partners.

T:There are some pictures and you should make sentences according to them.

For example:

She is a teacher. He is a policeman

Anne likes apples. My father likes ice cream.

Ⅳ. Production

T:Do a survey in group of five and talk about your family,then five minutes later some group members will be invited to share their family members' jobs to us.

Ⅴ. Summary and homework

T:Make a summary about today's lesson.

T:Use the third person singular form to say some sentences and talk about your classmates' family members' jobs with your parents.

Blackboard design:

That is my presentation. Thanks for your listening.

试讲稿2:Can you be a friend with me?


A,E,I,O,U,Can you be a friend with me?

U,A,I,O,E,Can I be a friend with you?

A,E,I,O,U,You can be a friend with me.

U,A,I,O,E,I can be a friend with you.








Good afternoon,distinguished judges. I'm No. 1 candidate,applying for primary school English teacher. My topic is Can you be a friend with me. Now I'm ready. Class begins.

Ⅰ. Warming-up and lead-in

T:Hello,everyone. Let's sing a song together You've Got A Friend In Me.

Ⅱ. Pre-listening

T:Almost everyone has at least one friend. Do you have friends?Please talk about your friends with your partner. And I will invite two students to share with us.

Ⅲ. While-listening

T:Now listen to the tape carefully. For the first time,pay attention to the pronunciation. For the second time,pay attention to the following questions:A,E,I,O,U,Can you be a friend with me?U,A,I,O,E,Can I be a friend with you?

T:Let's see the answers. Lucy,think it over and try.

T:You made it. Good try!

T:Listen carefully and answer questions:If you want to be a friend with someone,how can you ask him or her?If someone ask you whether he or she can be a friend with you,how can you answer him or her?Then I will invite two students to answer these questions. Ok,now,we can see the word order can influence the meaning of sentences and can express different feelings. These two questions is used to ask for permission and these two statements express the acceptance.

Ⅳ. Post-listening

T:The whole class will be divided into 4 groups and you are given 5 minutes to make friends with your classmates. Then ask 2 students to share with us.

Ⅴ. Summary and Homework

T:How about a quick review?Today we have learned four sentences “A,E,I,O,U,Can you be a friend with me?U,A,I,O,E,Can I be a friend with you?A,E,I,O,U,You can be a friend with me. U,A,I,O,E,I can be a friend with you. ”

T:Make friends with your schoolmates and use the new sentence structures. Goodbye,everyone.

Blackboard design:

Can you be a friend with me?

Can you be a friend with me?

I can be a friend with you.

Can I be a friend with you?

You can be a friend with me.

That's my presentation. Thanks for your listening.








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